I just played five or so games with two friends, and we were having too much fun to take notes on anything we'd improve.
Can I quote that on the website?
(If so, feel free to revise it first, and let me know how you'd like to be attributed.)
The only two things that come to mind are someone accidentally starting the game without fail, every time, because they wanted to say something but forgot to click the chat box, and thus accidentally hit the hotkey for it.
Hmm, maybe I should just make the chat box stay open permanently on that screen. What do you think?
We'd also like the ability to set the AI difficulty in the game lobby instead of it using the AI difficulty setting in the options menu.
Good idea. Noted.
I also had some sort of bug where half the time it wouldn't "secure the socket" or something whenever I tried to create an internet game lobby. The solution was to keep trying. Might have something to do with my router, or my ISP filtering my ports again.
If it was "could not bind to port", that's a known bug which happens when you create a new server shortly after closing down an old server. It has no easy fix that I'm aware of, although you can work around it either by trying again (as you found), or changing the port number on the "Create server" screen.
Otherwise, the exact text of the error message would be helpful if you get it again.
As for key placement, they just need to be within easy reach of one hand.
Right. Just wondered if you had any specific ideas.
My friends and I are big Diplomacy buffs. We like MIG because it's like playing a very fast version of it. If you've never heard of it, Diplomacy relies extensively on alliance and treaties... and stabbing those alliances in the back when they don't expect it. Essentially, it relies totally on trust, and, at the right time, being able to realize your friend has nowhere else to expand but into your territory and will likely attack soon. There are no rules that govern alliances, so it is very easy but very risky to attack someone you've publicly or secretly made a friend. Essentially, it's the honor system. We think this sort of system would work very well in MIG. All it requires is some sort of communique system in place so we can talk to one person without the other players knowing.
Interesting idea. I might just add a chat-to-one-person feature.
Combined with an overhaul on the in-game chat box, this would be the biggest feature we'd like to see implemented in the long run.
What exactly would you like overhauled about it?
Sorry this post is such a mess, I've gone over so many revisions I doubt it sounds coherent at all. Hope I've made sense. I also don't want to sound more negative than I should - we had a blast tonight.
Nah, it's quite coherent. Thanks for all the constructive feedback!