I have an exam and a major deadline on Friday. After that, I hope to take a weekend break and get some Inventive Dingo work of some kind done.
My deadline got postponed by a week (phew), which means I also need to postpone my weekend of Inventive Dingo work until next weekend.

It will happen though!
This is my Honours year, so I'm not going to be truly free until sometime in November, but I'll try and squeeze little bits in when I get sick of iterating on my Honours project.
Speaking of my Honours project - in case anyone's interested, my project is basically
entering this contest, and the above deadline is for its qualifying round. I'll either do OK or crash and burn, depending on whether the technique I'm investigating turns out to be a good one or not. (I had to try something new enough to be Deemed Worthy of Academia, rather than picking something tried-and-tested.) I'm hopeful, but getting the bot's aiming behaviour right is proving tricky; and the turnaround time for tweaks is about a day (thanks to having to recompute a ton of data), so it's hard to iterate on! On the plus side, I can use the computation time to e.g. write this post.
Hmm, maybe I can use Psyco to speed up the turnaround time... (Edit: Psyco doesn't seem to do much for this case, but I managed to speed the code by a factor of x2 with a really simple optimisation, so that helps!)