It's a fair question. Five days is a long time on the internet, after all.
I have been taking a bit of a break from dev work. University is starting to intrude (how very rude of it!), and what time I have been spending on Mayhem Intergalactic has been minor stuff - some necessary server administration to make the site more stable, a few website tweaks, and putting together some infrastructure to help me track conversions better (in indie gamedev lingo, a "conversion" is a demo download that results in a sale). Better conversion tracking means that I'll be able to make more informed marketing decisions, which is important if MI is ever going to sustain the boost (in terms of player numbers etc.) that Steam has given it.
Here are the top items from my to-do list, in their current loosely-defined order of priority (which is no guarantee of completion in this order, or even of completion at all):
1. Sort out tax forms (yeah, this is still not done - I need to find some spare time during the week to ring the embassy, as a next step)
2. Work on strategy guide (I need to incorporate Kumlekar's and Jp's excellent feedback and then iterate on it some more before final proofreading and formatting)
3. Better conversion tracking infrastructure (been working on this a bit)
4. Linux port (shouldn't be difficult, just tedious; I need to extend my build system a bit and do compatibility testing)
5. Mac port (a little hairier, since Objective-C and D are not on direct speaking terms)
6. Improve AI
Adding the contributed translations is close to the top of the remaining items.
I haven't yet decided whether to leave 4 and 5 where they are or let them slide a bit. There's something to be said for having improved AI already in place before launching on additional platforms.
Fun data point: There are currently 171 items on the to-do list. Most of those will never be implemented.