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Mayhem Intergalactic / Features & Bugs / Re: Teams?
on: May 30, 2008, 01:32:55 am
You'd have to adjust your combat program to make it so that ships on the same team won't damage each other. When two allied players simultaneously attack a planet, they'll work together to defeat the enemy if there is one, and then the player with the largest fleet takes the planet.
Afterwards, or if a player attacks a planet owned by an ally, the fleet will either return to its origin, or it will return to the nearest planet which it owns.
Mayhem Intergalactic / Features & Bugs / 'solar system' map
on: July 19, 2007, 07:29:26 pm
Just a thought, since I don't know what the current options are for the game it may or may not apply, but it would be neat to be able to generate a map with a solar system setup, where there's optionally a noninteractive star at the center, and a number of large planets generated in the general vicinity of the star. Then a number of smaller planets (moons) generated around each large planet. That'd create an interesting set of clusters, plus a 'struggle for the large planet' effect in each cluster.
Also, while playing the game, I question whether it might be a good idea to multiply the bonuses of large planets instead of just increasing the base production. So instead of: Small: 3/6/9/12 Large: 5/8/11/14 It might be: Small: 3/6/9/12 Large: 5/10/15/20
That would make large planets much more desirable all throughout the game, instead of just at the very beginning.
Just some thoughts.